파란색 링크만 변경해주면 임의 실행 변경 가능.
$(function() {
height: 200,
holderClass: 'custom',
showClose: true,
showCloseText: 'Close',
enableStackAnimation: true,
onBlurContainer: '.container',
template: '<p>So implement your design and place content here! If you want to close modal, please hit "Esc", click somewhere on the screen or use special button.</p>' +
'<div>' +
'<a href="LINK1" target="_blank" class="github">Avgrund on Github</a>' +
'<a href="LINK2" target="_blank" class="twitter">Twitter</a>' +
'<a href="LINK3" target="_blank" class="dribble">Dribbble</a>' +